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Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey. Turkey is also called Byzantium, and Constantinople, historically, later changed the name to Istanbul. Istanbul is the centre of many aspects in Turkey like, Economy, Culture, History. Istanbul is the fifteenth-largest city in the World. Istanbul is the most populous city in Europe. Istanbul is well-known as the centre of Trade and Commerce.
Istanbul is known for its food, beautiful architecture all over the city, with great pieces of culture in its Mosques. Istanbul is famous for its tourist attractions and fantastic scenery with vibrant colours of the city. At night the town shows its brightness with lights from the first prayers of the Mosques around.
Istanbul's history dates back to BC, when the first settlers were settled on the Asian side of the city. The King's cities gave the first name, Called Byzas, like Byzantium, transformed the region into a colony for their colonists. Later, the Provence was ruled by many like the Persians, Romans, Arabs, Barbarians, and Ottoman Turks Empires. During the 16th century, the city was renamed from Islambol to Istanbul, derived from Islambol and Eis tin Polin's combination, meant to the City in Greek. Ottoman was the last ruler until World War I, and Turkey got its republic in the 19th century and made Ankara it's capital. Istanbul expanded its population and Provence and made the city that it is now.
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Istanbul has three airports. They are Istanbul Ataturk Airport, Istanbul New Airport, and Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen International Airport.
Istanbul Airport is the leading international airport, serving Istanbul, Turkey, located on the city's European side, in Arnavutkoy District. The airport is the central hub for Onur Air and Turkish Airlines. The airport has only one terminal and serves both domestic and international destinations.
Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen is one of the three airports in Istanbul. The airport is an International airport. The Asian part of Istanbul can find the airport. The airport is the central hub for AnadoluJet and Pegasus Airlines and secondary for Turkish Airlines. The airport is named after the first female fighter pilot in the World. Sabiha Gokcen Airport is one of the largest airports in the country. The airport has two terminals and serves both domestic and international destinations.
Istanbul Ataturk Airport is a Cargo airport and also used for general aviation purposes. The airport was closed to commercial passenger flights transformation to the New Istanbul Airport in 2019 and open only for cargo, maintenance, general aviation, air taxis, business flights, and state and diplomatic aircraft. The airport was the central hub for MNG Airlines, Turkish Cargo, and ULS Airlines and Cargo. The airport has two terminals and serves both domestic and international destinations.